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Youth Behavior Policy

The following policy applies to all youth participating in any youth activity at or sponsored by COS

1. Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, tobacco is prohibited.

A. No youth shall possess, use, distribute, sell, purchase, or be under the influence of:
I. alcoholic beverages;

II. an illegal or illicit drug or any other substance capable of modifying   mood or behavior, including but not limited to over-the-counter         medication in excess of manufacturer’s prescribed limits;
III.  prescription drugs without a proper prescription;
IV. drug paraphernalia;
V.  tobacco products or products containing nicotine, including                          electronic cigarettes, vape pens, Juuls, or hookah pens or devices.

B. In the event of a violation of this provision the following will apply:
I. The youth shall be immediately removed from the activity
II. A meeting will be held following the activity with the youth, parents or guardians, Director of Youth and Family Education and Vice President of Youth and Family Education to discuss the responsive action(s) to be taken. Such actions might include but are not limited to:
1. Written letter of apology
2. Community service in the COS building
3. Presentation of a Dvar Torah or participation in an educational project related to the use of  alcohol, drugs and tobacco
4. Suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs        for a stated period of time
5. Permanent suspension of eligibility to participate in future      programs.
III. The Director of Youth and Family Education together with the President of COS will have the final say as to the appropriate responsive action.

2. COS does not tolerate any form of bullying and action will be taken against all bullying brought to COS’ attention.

A. Bullying is a direct or indirect behavior/action by one person or a group of people toward another person or group of people with the intent to harm, intimidate, or humiliate. Bullying occurs repeatedly over a length of time. Bullying may also involve a real or perceived power imbalance in areas such as social status, age, physical size or wealth, etc. Bullying may
be physical, may occur face to face or on social media or messaging platforms.

 B. Any allegation of bullying must be reported immediately to a member of      the COS staff, who shall immediately report it to the Director of Youth and   Family Education.  The Director of Youth and Family Education will:

I. Have an incident report filled out by the youth alleged to have            been the target;
II. Notify parents or guardians of all youth involved; and
III. Investigate the allegations based on the completed incident report.

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action.

C. In the event the bullying allegation is found to be unsubstantiated, no further action will be taken.  False allegations will be investigated and dealt with appropriately.

D. If the bullying allegation is substantiated:

I. A meeting will be held with the youth involved, their parents or          guardians, the Director of Youth and Family Education and the Vice        President of Youth and Family Education to discuss the responsive     action(s) to be taken.Such actions might include but are not limited             to:   
1. Written letter of apology
2. Community service in the COS building
3.  Presentation of a Dvar Torah or participation in an       educational project related to bullying
4. Suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs        for a stated period of time
5. Permanent suspension of eligibility to participate in future      programs.

II.  The Director of Youth and Family Education together with the President of COS will have the final say as to the appropriate responsive action.

3. COS does not tolerate Physical Altercation which is defined as the actual and intentional striking of another person against their will, or the intentional causing of bodily harm to an individual.

A. Any allegation of Physical Altercation must be reported immediately to the Director of Youth and Family Education and the following will apply:

I. A meeting will be held with the youth involved, their parents or guardians, the Director of Youth and Family Education and the Vice President of Youth and Family Education, at which a discussion about the responsive action(s) to be taken will occur. Such responsive action(s) might include but are not limited to:

1. Written letter of apology
2. Community service in the COS building
3. Presentation of a Dvar Torah or participation in an       
educational project related to Physical Altercation
4. Suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs        or a stated period of time
5. Permanent suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs.

II.  The Director of Youth and Family Education together with the President of COS will have the final say as to the appropriate responsive action.

4. Use or possession of weapons is prohibited.

A.  No youth shall possess or use weapons (such as guns, knife, machetes etc.) or use any common item as a weapon.
B. In the event of a violation of this provision, the following will apply:

I. The youth shall be immediately removed from the activity.
II.Depending on the type of weapon and extent of harm, law                              enforcement may be called.
III. A meeting will be held with the youth involved, their parents or        guardians, the Director of Youth and Family Education and the Vice        President of Youth and Family Education, at which a discussion about       the responsive action(s) to be taken will occur. Such responsive                              action(s) might include but are not limited to:

1. Written letter of apology
2. Community service in the COS building
3. Presentation of a Dvar Torah or participation in an       
educational project related to related to the use of weapons of any kind.
4. Suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs for a stated period of time
5. Permanent suspension of eligibility to participate in future programs.

IV . The Director of Youth and Family Education together with the          President of COS will have the final say as to the appropriate                        responsive action.

At regional/subregional events:
 In addition to COS policies it is expected that when youth attend regional and subregional USY events, they will follow the rules and policies set out by the region or subregion for that event.

For every incident a report will  be filled out by but not limited to the parties involved, witnesses and staff. A copy of the report will remain on file  in the office of the Education Youth and Family director with  access available only  to COS professional staff.

Retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated.  Reported retaliatory behavior will  be investigated and addressed to determine if an appropriate  responsive action is required.

It is Jewish behavior to not embarrass and help those who have made
mistakes to make amends and move on. 
All of our decisions will be made grounded in these values.


I understand and will abide by the policies, rules and expectations of behavior  while at events and programs  of Congregation Ohev Shalom  and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. I understand the actions that will be taken if any of the policies, rules and expectations are not followed.

I understand  the policies, rules and expectations of my child’s behavior while at events and programs  of Congregation Ohev Shalom  and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. I understand the actions that will be taken if any of the policies, rules and expectations are not followed.
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784