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Ackerman Artist in Residence (Joe Buchanan)

Friday, March 1, 2024 21 Adar I 5784

All Day for 2 Days


Jewish Music with a Country Twist!
A Texas native, singer & songwriter Joe Buchanan makes Jewish Americana music.  He will be our Artist in Residence the first weekend in March.  Joe's music highlights the values, Torah, and history of the Jewish people as he delivers stories steeped in the struggle and triumph of the human spirit, all while praising God for the goodness in life.

Plan to join us for these Artist in Residence events: 
- Joe will share some of his original musical prayers during Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Services and again on Saturday during Shabbat morning services.
During Saturday's Kiddush Lunch, Joe (who was born and raised a Texan Christian) will speak about his journey to Judaism 
- Bring your cowboy hats to Saturday evening's event which will include Joe's original Havdallah service, followed by a concert and a dessert reception 

- Our Religious school families will enjoy a short concert by Joe during our morning arrival assembly on Sunday   
Our COS 2024 Artist in Residence weekend is underwritten by the Dr. Edward S. Ackerman Memorial Endowment and sponsored in his memory by his wife, Dr. Shelley Fleet, and their children, Brad, Andrew and Hilary.
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784